How It Works
Let’s take a look at what you can expect from the in-app experience as a parent or guardian.

Visibility to our driver network using geo-location services

Specify your pick-up and drop-off locations for on-demand services

See your driver en route and proposed rate

Alerts when the driver has arrived and vehicle description

Monitor your kid’s ride – in real time

BusyBee Safety Process
Our Safety promise to you – When it comes to the transportation of your kid(s), it’s understood that safety is likely the most important consideration for you. It’s why our first contact is a live conversation with our team where we’ll detail the rigorous process that we put our drivers through to be approved. Background checks, safe driver training, anti-harassment training – all while under the continuous monitoring from in-vehicle cameras.

Safe Driver Training


In-Vehicle Monitoring

Pick-up/ drop-off notice

Safe Driver Training
Same training program used by the most prominent international rideshare services – BusyBee adds the additional step of an initial ride-along

State and Federal screening required for educators given the potential risk associated with the transportation of school-age kids

In-Vehicle Monitoring
Never left wondering what occurred inside or outside the vehicle, each vehicle is equipped with livestreaming monitoring cameras

Pick-Up / Drop-off Notice
Real-time updates to know precisely where your kid is at any time

Meet the Founder
BusyBee was started like so many small businesses – we were parents with active kids and simply couldn’t solve the issue of being in two places at one time. After countless conversations with local transportation services, we decided that we would pursue the solution for ourselves!
With a high school daughter, Reagan, actively pursuing performing arts and a middle school son, Noah, focused on his passion for soccer, in addition to being incredibly active in their local church youth group – we needed little convincing that a service like BusyBee would change the game for our family, and yours! Laura (Queen Bee) is a Lancaster native and values the close-knit community of Lancaster where she’s been employed by Penn Medicine/Lancaster General Health for the past 10+ years. John (CEO and Founder) has over 12 years in the tech industry serving in operational executive positions.
From our family to yours, we are privileged to serve the Lancaster County region. It’s our hope that BusyBee presents an opportunity for your kids to continue to pursue their passions without concern for schedule conflicts and transportation burdens.
BusyBee Kid Shuttle Values

As parents, we understand that schedules simply don’t align and no one could care for your kid the way you do. But we make a commitment to do our best, and convey that compassion through your experience working with our team, as well as drivers to the riders.

A kind word and a joyful presence is enough to completely flip a stress-filled day. It’s why joy-filled is one of our values and commitment of our drivers.

This goes without saying, but we take safety seriously – incorporating tracking devices and internal video monitoring on all vehicles to ensure drivers present the most safe environment possible for your kid.

BusyBee is available via app, website or even a call or text. All drivers are equipped with the ability to transport service animals should the rider require their “buddy” to travel along.